
Child Portraits
Spontaneous Portraits
Posed Portraits
About the Photographer

      This website serves a couple of purposes for me. While it is a great way to not only show my work to family and friends, as well as to get my work some more attention, it serves as a basis to sell my work, as well as my services as a Photographer.
     The sale of prints of my photographs is going to be somewhat delayed, as currently I can not access the original files for most of them (those containing no watermarks) due to computer issues. Hopefully this should be resolved within a week or so. In the meantime please let me know if you would like to purchase any prints. Just send me an email at Tearsfortrust@gmail.com and let me know what photo you'd like to purchase. This way i can let you know if it's possible and how much it'd cost. The sizes available will be 4x6 and 8x10, mounted on black posterboard or unmounted.
    I am also offering my services as a photographer. I am willing to photograph just about anything, and think of it as a way to do what I love,  help other people, and maybe make a little money at it. I prefer, however, to do Natural light Portraits, or natural light automotive shots. I especially like to do Senior portraits, as I know that I find the senior portraits done by the studio photographers rather boring, and far too expensive. I do not charge by the hour, because I can not set a time frame on how long a shoot will take. I charge on a Case by case basis, But generally It's going to cost you about 50% less than anyone else you can find. I charge by your financial situation, as well as how far I have to travel and what you want. So feel free to email me or call me (check the "about the photographer page) and we can discuss it. I am located in Pleasant Grove, Utah.

Thank you for visiting out site, please check back for updates!